About Mia LundinÂ

Mia Lundin R.N.C., N.P is a registered nurse and nurse practitioner, author and speaker.
With a growing reputation as an authority on womenâs hormonal and emotional balance, Mia Lundin, R.N.C., N.P., attributes her success to her own experience and her personal understanding of the physical and emotional effects of hormonal changes and from listening and treating thousands of women suffering from depression, anxiety, and irrational behavior due to hormonal imbalances. These experiences served as the inspiration for the award-winning book, Female Brain Gone Insane: An Emergency Guide for Women Who Feel Like They Are Falling Apart (October 2009, HCI Books). Later she wrote the books Food for Hormonal Balance and The Road to Hormonal Balance.
Having graduated as registered nurse from the Ugglevik School of Stockholm, Lundin went on to earn a degree as a certified nurse practitioner in obstetrics and gynecology from Harbor UCLA Medical Center. She settled in Santa Barbara, California, and became one of the few nurse practitioners to enter private practice. For 18 years she was director of The Center for Hormonal and Nutritional Balance Inc. in Santa Barbara, a practice that specializes in treating hormonal imbalances (PMS, postpartum depression, perimenopause and menopause) and the effect hormonal fluctuations have on the brain chemistry. 2017 she moved back to Sweden to start a womenâs clinic in Stockholm. A couple of years ago she left the clinic to focus on education, writing and lectures.
In her thirty plus years as a nurse practitioner, Lundin has successfully balanced thousands of women to enable them to regain control over their emotional and physical health. She uses the very effective combination of bio-identical hormones and nutritional supplements (including targeted amino acid therapy) to rebalance the brain chemistry of her patients. Her reputation and fresh perspective on attaining emotional and physical balance through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has attracted patients from all over the world. She is devoted to educating patients on the intricate relationship between nutrition, hormones and brain chemistry. She is a sought-after speaker in public forums on subjects such as hormones, moods and behavior, and has lectured internationally to health care professionals in US, Geneva, Switzerland, and Paris.